Here’s what happened on the first day of Twitch Rivals Rust Team Battle

Twitch Rivals Rust Team Battle

This battle of Rust that has united the Hispanic community with the English community has left some good moments.

Twitch Rivals never ceases to amaze. This time comes a three-day Rust event with $100K in prize money where the two main communities of Twitch have joined together: The Hispanic community and the American/English community. With 2 teams led by DisguisedToast and aLexBY11, this event is leaving great moments and more than 200 kills on the first day.

Teams are expected to field dozens of elite streamers for a 48-hour marathon of tough competition. This event is more difficult to watch than most since it has two 40 × 40 teams competing in honor of their homelands. The best way to watch the tournament live is on your favorite live streamer, as the Twitch Rivals channel will solely be dedicated to aggregating the finest moments of each day.

The Hispanic community takes the lead on the first day of the event

After a first day full of excitement, suspense, bullets, and many deaths, Twitch Rivals has left on its Twitter account the data of total deaths that left us the first day, giving as winners the team of the Hispanic community.

Also, in the Twitter profile, you can see many clips and highlights of this exciting first day. The second day starts at 12 pm Pacific Time / 3 pm Eastern Time. So far, the ship and the oil base have been a field of action-packed battles.

If you can’t watch your favorite streamer or want to see some more general action on what’s happening at the Rust event, you can check out the Twitch Rivals channel at 12pm PST, where they’ll be doing recaps of all the highlights so far.

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