xQcOW is once again the most viewed streamer on Twitch

Streaming platforms stats

The audience of both Twitch and Facebook Gaming has grown by 45% compared to last year.

StreamElements and Rainmaker.GG have presented through a post written by Chase, the Head of Communications for StreamElements and known to many on Twitch by the emote PRChase, this year’s stats for Twitch and Facebook Gaming. Unsurprisingly, for another year in a row, Twitch’s stats stand out from the rest of the streaming platforms.

The main streaming platforms have grown a lot compared to last year

The year 2021 comes to an end and in the field of content creation through livestreams. There has been a considerable increase in numbers compared to what we have seen in previous years. Both Twitch, the current leading platform for livestreams, and Facebook Gaming, one of the platforms that many consider irrelevant in the industry, have seen a notable increase in viewership of 45% compared to last year. Twitch this year has had more than 24 billion hours viewed in 2021, and Facebook Gaming with approximately 20% of what Amazon’s platform has had, with 5.3 billion hours viewed.

Streaming platforms stats

Likewise, an honorable mention must be made to YouTube Gaming, which has had an impressive increase in numbers after streamers such as Timthetatman and Ludwig signed a contract with Google’s giant platform, which has had more than 800 billion views of video game-related content and 90 million hours of streaming views.

xQcOW leads once again

As every year, the interest of Twitch users is focused on who is the content creator or streamer with the most hours of viewing. Once again, as it was last year, xQcOW has topped the chart with more than 250 million hours viewed in the year, a total madness compared to loud_coringa, which has not reached 200 million views this 2021. We can also see that with the constant growth of the Spanish-speaking community in the last two years, the streamer auronplay manages to position itself in the number 5 position, and how could it be otherwise, Amouranth leads the list talking about female streamers, positioning itself in the number 33 of the global list.

Streaming platforms stats

It is clear that the streaming industry is growing at incredible speeds, so much so that many content creators, professional sports leagues, and even companies and production companies in the film and T.V. industry are now using it as a tool for their own purposes.

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