Streamer Spotlight is a series where we feature upcoming streamers. If you would like to be featured, PM us on Twitter @vgamestreamers. This week we are interviewing @Jakecub2018.
So, @Jakecub2018, when did you first start streaming?
I started streaming on Twitch in late October 2018.
What was your inspiration to start streaming?
My inspiration to start streaming on Twitch came from a streamer named BurgerWarrior24. I started following his channel in April 2018 and immediately fell in love with not only his gameplay but also how he interacts with his community. BurgerWarrior24 is very welcoming and inviting to everyone that visits his channel. He knows how to make his regular viewers feel appreciated, as well as showing that he is grateful for any new people that join his community. He’s also a great teacher and gives both gameplay tips, as well as tips on how to become a better Twitch streamer.
What games or types of games do you like to stream?
I am a variety streamer in every sense of the word. I like to stream games like Sea of Thieves, Forza Horizon 4, or just whatever other random game I find interesting that day. Most recently I have been playing Apex Legends.
I also do what I like to call live reaction streams. I do those whenever there is a big sports event or I also do them for the monthly WWE pay per view events. With my live reaction streams, I will have the actual event on my TV – not on my stream because of copyright laws – but you’ll get to see my reactions and hear my thoughts and commentary on the action as it unfolds. With these streams, just like any of my other streams, viewers can feel free to chat right along with me, and I will interact with them as much as possible.
What do you do outside of streaming on Twitch?
Outside of Twitch, I feel like my life is at a career crossroads. I’ve been in retail/customer service for over a decade now, and I am just ready for a change into something more professional. Of course, I would love to be able to turn my Twitch streaming into something I can do more often throughout the week and on a set schedule. In order to do that, though, I’ll need to build up a community of fans that want to see me succeed and are willing and able to subscribe and donate to my channel.
When can viewers most likely find you streaming?
The best way to know when I will be streaming is to follow my actual Twitch channel, JakeCub2018, or follow me on Twitter under the same user name. I am still working a full-time retail customer service job that likes to schedule me random hours, so it is hard for me to have a set streaming schedule. I always post on Twitter when I go live. Of course, if you are following my channel on Twitch, you’ll get notifications when I go live as well.
What short term and long term goals do you have for your channel?
The short term goal would be to just get the few things I believe I need to give my viewers the best viewing experience possible. I really need to get an Elgato HD60 S so that I can connect my Xbox One to my laptop and I can stop using the Xbox Kinect as my webcam. The Elgato will also allow me to always have the cool graphical overlays on my stream, which will allow me to interact better with my chat.
My long term goal would be to grow my community to a point where I would only need to have a part-time job outside of streaming on Twitch. That way I can stream on more of a set schedule and also just interact with my community on more of a daily basis and just be able to get to know each one of them better.
What has been your greatest success so far as a streamer?
My biggest success has been becoming a Twitch Affiliate. Being able to do that in just over three months has been amazing. I have been incredibly surprised at how quickly I gained followers and a few core consistent viewers of my channel.
Is there anything else you would like readers to know about you or your channel?
Just that they are welcome to stop by my channel any time they want when I am live. All viewers are welcome on my channel. It doesn’t matter if they are interacting with me or other members of my chat or if they are just lurking in the background.