Now you can stream your Zoom meetings on Twitch

Now you can stream your Zoom meetings on Twitch

It’s as simple as clicking a single button!

Twitch and Amazon continue to collaborate with an increasing number of digital enterprises. Today, it was announced that Zoom customers can soon stream their meetings with friends, coworkers, and others on Twitch. This is something that could already be done with YouTube, Twitch’s current competition for live broadcasts.

With the adoption of teleworking and hybrid work in many firms across the world, businesses must discover new ways to communicate internally, and one of the most popular is Zoom. As a result, the video chat platform is constantly improving and providing its users with tools to help them with their job.

Connect to Twitch in less than 5 minutes

Previously, Zoom enabled users to establish a Twitch broadcast of meetings using the “Live on Custom Live Streaming Service” option. The disadvantage was that it was a time-consuming procedure that frequently produced challenges and restrictions.

You can now share your Zoom broadcast on Twitch in less than 5 minutes by simply tapping the “Live on Twitch” option and pairing the Zoom program with your Twitch account.

Virtual animal avatars and more

In addition to the upcoming Zoom upgrade and the increased popularity of animal vtubers on the Twitch platform, the Zoom development team has included virtual animal avatars.

These avatars will mimic your body motions and facial expressions, just like your favorite Vtuber. In addition, Zoom’s most recent version includes a slew of updates and enhancements aimed at improving the user experience.

What do you think of this new Zoom feature? Will you use it to stream on Twitch? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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