Streamer plays Elden Ring with Ring Fit Adventure controller

Elden Ring Ring Fit Adventure

SuperLouis64 has taken on the biggest video game challenge in recent years.

The Souls trilogy has always been a difficult game to complete, and many gamers have chosen to do so in various ways. For example, in the Spanish community, ElviraYuuki opted to play the first Dark Souls alone with a dance pad. Elden Ring may have just recently been launched, but its victorious debut revealed one thing: the trend of playing games with sophisticated controllers was about to return.

SuperLouis64, a Twitch streamer, opted to outfit himself with his Ring Fit Adventure controller and go on a live journey around the Midlands. Thanks to a tiny hack that allowed him to do so, the broadcaster was able to navigate past the Elden Ring bosses with just a Ring Fit.

The controls are set up such that he must jog in order for the orders to work. Plus, as if that wasn’t enough, healing is accomplished by squatting. You can imagine how difficult it would be to play this game in those circumstances.

SuperLouis64 challenged Darriwil, the Hound Knight

To show how effective it is, Super Louis 64 took on one of the Elden Ring monsters, Darriwil, the Hound Knight, who is one of the game’s quickest bosses. Darriwl is notable for his erratic movement and attack patterns, which make evading him difficult. Louis, on the other hand, remained undeterred and showed us how to finish him off with the Ring Fit.

In the history of video games, this is an astounding achievement. It’s not only the brilliance of conceiving of a way to pass the game using an unusual controller that sticks out. What truly sticks out is the mental and physical difficulty of completing this accomplishment, which will open up a world of possibilities for gamers who want to push themselves even farther when it comes to video game challenges.

Watch SuperLouis64 challenge of the game enemies down below!

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