Ninja made a guide on how to be a streamer and some streamers are speaking out against it

Ninja guide

Some tips have not been the right ones, which has generated controversy among the streamer community.

If you’ve been in the gaming world or even just internet culture generally, you’ll know who Ninja is. He’s one of the streamers that has undoubtedly put streaming platforms on the map, but in recent years, has had a decline in popularity.

Still, with more than 17.5 million followers on Twitch and positioned in the top three content creators with more subs on Twitch, he has taken the decision to make a guide on how to be a streamer through the MasterClass platform.

The 30-day guide will help anyone interested learn the basics of getting started in the world of streaming, as well as some tips that only a streamer who has been on the top of Twitch could give you.

Unhelpful tips

The problem with all of this is that some of the advice given, instead of being beneficial for those who want to get started in streaming or streamers who want to learn from one of the best, are very negative tips that could affect the mental health of users.

One of Ninja’s tips was that if you are starting out on the platform, the best thing to do is to open the list of viewers and thank them one by one for watching live. The streamer Blizzb3ar has been one of the streamers who has complained about this when he heard it.

Blizzb3ar claims in a clip taken from his Twitch livestream, which he shared on Twitter, that doing so is one of the biggest mistakes you can make on the platform as a large percentage of users suffer from social anxiety. So doing this not only would you be invading the privacy of users by naming them, but it could create anxiety problems in users who are simply there to see you.

Adding to the opinion, a Twitter user and follower of the streamer adds that if he were to go through that, he would never go back to that stream anymore.

Although the streamer’s opinion carries a lot of weight, it is not comparable to what Steve Saylor, Twitch ambassador, has said about streamers not greeting viewers who are simply watching the stream without commenting, as it ends up being uncomfortable for everyone.

Many of the people who are sharing their opinions on the subject advise people who want to learn about the world of streaming to look at YouTube as they can find free and accurate information that will help them along the way.

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